Unique fruit juice combos that pack a healthy punch, Latest Makan News - The New Paper

Unique fruit juice combos that pack a healthy punch

Try these unusual combos that pack a healthy punch


Starfruit is a top performer in the nutrition arena but low on the flavour list because of its sour taste. Still, the citrusy fruit has a low calorie count and is packed with half your daily vitamin C intake for every 100ml.

It contains B-complex vitamins and huge amounts of minerals such as potassium, which negates the effects of high sodium intake.

Strawberry helps to offset the starfruit's tartness. It also adds antioxidant and polyphenolic compounds, helping to boost your immune system.


Avocado not only has an array of vitamins, including K, C, B5, B6 and E, but also rich amounts of potassium and oleic acid, which lowers blood pressure and helps with cardiac stress.

Avocado can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, while papaya injects a good dose of the antioxidant lycopene.

The carotenoids found in papaya fight free radicals and so improves complexion, heart health and may even prevent cancer.


Pairing bitter gourd with sweet apples and tart lemons helps to improve the flavour of bitter gourd, turning this combo into a natural weight-loss drink.

Ms Josephine Ng, a nutritional therapist at The Nutrition Mentor, said this drink stimulates the liver to produce bile for fat digestion.

"An insulin-like compound called polypeptide-p also helps to regulate blood sugar and thus helps to control diabetes."

Apple contains the soluble fibre pectin, which is believed to help remove toxic waste from the intestines.


Pear's high levels of pectin means it lowers cholesterol and increases digestive health, and this massive fibre boost makes you stay fuller for a longer time.

Kale contains essential vitamins and cancer-fighting compounds such as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol.

Cucumber rounds up this power mix as it contains silica, which helps repair connective tissues and brighten skin.


The rainbow of vitamins and minerals that mango has makes it a great aid to eye health, thanks to its high dose of vitamin A and beta carotene.

It is great after a meal of meats because a spectrum of compounds unique to the fruit, such as polyphenols and mangiferin, makes it a perfect anti-carcinogen and antioxidant.

Cherry helps to activate PPARs (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors) in your tissues, promote heart health and reduce stroke risk.

Dragonfruit has antibacterial and antifungal properties.


With its high concentration of magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, sugarcane creates an alkaline environment that helps prevent cancer.

Carrot adds plenty of fibre and vitamin A.


Get strong teeth and bones from this concoction.

Honeydew contains a high level of calcium and potassium, which relieves hypertension.

Green apples have more fibre than their red cousins. Fibre aids in digestive maintenance, reduces colon cancer risk and lowers cholesterol.


Unique fruit juice combos that pack a healthy punch
End your meal with some sweetness from a healthy juice. PHOTO: LIANHE WANBAO

A cup of this citrusy juice helps with anaemia, thanks to its high dose of iron and vitamin B1, which boost red blood cell count and help with better oxygen flow in the system.

Sour plum adds more vitamins for an overall immunity boost.


This blend of soursop and coconut milk helps clear out the digestive system.

Soursop contains plenty of fibre as well as acetogenins, which have anti-cancer properties. Coconut milk contains lauric acid, which is easily absorbed by the body to use as energy. It also enhances physical performance, brain function and aids in weight loss.

This article first appeared on Her World Online (www.HerWorld.com)

Food & Drink