83-year-old cancer survivor records messages for his infant son to get in the future, Latest World News - The New Paper

83-year-old cancer survivor records messages for his infant son to get in the future

This article is more than 12 months old

He’s 83, his wife is 35, and they now have a baby younger than his grandchildren.

Dr Alberto Cormillot is a nutrition expert in Argentina. His wife Estefania Pasquini became pregnant after fertility treatment, The Sun reported.

“That little guy's here and I'm going to accompany him until a certain moment,” he was quoted as saying. "Until that happens I plan to enjoy every day to the fullest and make plans that are more short-term.”

But Dr Cormillot also thinks long-term and constantly leaves audio messages for his son Emilio to discover in the future.

"That means that although he still really is a baby, he has a phone number with WhatsApp in which I record audio and send him videos. "I don't over-dramatise things, I just record the reality of life."

He has also engaged a tutor to expose the nine-month-old boy to Chinese, which he considers “the language of the future”.

The female tutor comes to the house twice a week and speaks and sings in Chinese so the boy gets used to the sound of the language.

“I want him to get used to hearing it as a child and he will find it easier to learn it better when he grows up,” Dr Cormillot said.

He likes to teach the baby songs from when he was a child, and is actively involved in bringing him up.

“I’m encouraging him to crawl, for example,” he said.

He is also giving Emilio an early head start in playing the organ and has posted a video of the two of them at the keyboard.

Dr Cormillot, who has two adult sons and three granddaughters, was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2012, but all traces of the tumor were removed by surgery.

His first wife, Monika Arborgast, died in 2017.

Dr Cormillot has written more than a hundred scientific papers presented at international conferences, as well as more than 50 books, mostly on health education.