Model Qi Qi refutes rumour that daughter Ella Yam, 17, is entering show business, Latest Movies News - The New Paper

Model Qi Qi refutes rumour that daughter Ella Yam, 17, is entering show business

HONG KONG - Shanghai-born model-actress Qi Qi, who is married to veteran Hong Kong actor Simon Yam, has refuted the rumour that their daughter Ella Yam is entering show business.

The leggy 17-year-old, who is 1.8m tall, has been modelling part-time since she was a teen, having inherited her celebrity parents' good looks. Seen as one of the most promising "second-generation stars", as celebrity offspring are called, she has appeared in fashion campaigns as well as on the covers of Hong Kong magazines.

In a post last month, Qi Qi, 54, praised Ella for a campaign she had been a part of to mark the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China.

"Model of a new generation in China and Hong Kong," the proud mum wrote in her Weibo post sharing some photos, sparking speculation that Ella will be going full-time when she turns 18.

However, Qi Qi flatly denied it in an exclusive interview with Hong Kong newspaper Sing Tao Daily last week.

"When did I ever announce this?" she said while on holiday in Europe with Ella.

"Her father and I have never made any announcement that she will be making her debut. She is only 17 and I'm very concerned about her studies. We have never said she will enter show business when she is 18 and this is a matter she will decide for herself in the future."

Qi Qi added she will not try to sway her daughter's decision and will respect her choice.

She also revealed that while Ella has always shown an interest in fashion and photography, she models only on weekends and during school holidays as she puts her studies first.

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