Police called over fake G.E.M Tang concert tickets, Latest Entertainment News - The New Paper

Police called over fake G.E.M Tang concert tickets

Hong Kong pop sensation G.E.M Tang's five-concert performances for her G.E.M's X.X.X Live World Tour has made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The shows ran at Hong Kong Coliseum from Jan 14-18.

 Bad reviews and reports of  diva behaviour in front of the Hong Kong media aside, the police were called to her Sunday performance (Jan 18) over the discovery of fake tickets.

According to Asian E-News Portal, this happened after five fans entered the concert hall, only to discover that their seat numbers did not exist.

The counterfeit tickets cost HKD498($85) each and had been sold through a China website.

Once the Coliseum staff were notified, they quickly called the police. 

The fans who had been taken for a ride ended up missing the concert as they had to go to the police station to assist with the investigation.

Source: Asian E-News Portal, Asian Pop News


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