Win! Vacation movie collectibles, Latest Movies News - The New Paper

Win! Vacation movie collectibles

What's a vacation without mishaps?

For the Grisworlds, accidents and misadventures are part and parcel of their road trip to amusement park Walley World.

Starring Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Leslie Mann, Chris Hemsworth and Chevy Chase, Vacation is a comedy that reboots the 80's National Lampoon series made famous by Chase.

We have three sets of Vacation movie premiums to give away, courtesy of Warner Bros.

Each set includes a 16" beach ball, a popsicle maker, two bottle-openers, a journal, a bucket hall and a pair of in-season Vacation movie passes.

The contest is now closed. Thank you for participating.




M contestUncategorisedcomedyed helmsChristina Applegatechris hemsworthleslie mannchevy chase