Caught on camera: Moment when woman gets struck by lightning, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Caught on camera: Moment when woman gets struck by lightning

This article is more than 12 months old

Standing just feet away from her mother, CC Weske managed to capture the moment when lightning struck her mum Stephanie Rey.

Incredibly not only was the moment captured on camera, her mum walked away unhurt.

The mother-daughter pair from Hayden, Idaho went outside to film an approaching thunderstorm on Tuesday evening (Aug 19).

"My phone flew out of my hand, I got super hot," Rey, 46, told ABC News.

"It sounded like a gunshot. My daughter and I couldn't hear for about a minute."

Why were they outside when a thunderstorm was heading their way?

Well,​ Weske had a feeling that something was going to happen

"I was like, 'Oh something is about to happen' that's ​why​ I was filming it," Weske said in an interview with local TV station KXLY.


As Weske was filming, all of a sudden her mother, who was standing in front of her, lit up in a bright flash.

"I screamed, my phone flew out of my hand and I really wasn't sure what happened," Rey said.

"I was like 'F!@#', I think I just got hit by lightning and so we just took off running," she added. 

Although Rey said that she tingled for several hours after the incident she was very thankful that she and her daughter walked away unhurt.

John Jensenius, the National Weather Service's lightning expert, suspects Rey was hit by a ground current, which can also kill people. .

"From her symptoms, it would seem like she did get hit, but not with a direct lightning strike," Jensenius told ABC News. "You heard the crack and saw the flash immediately, which means it was very close."

Source: KLXY, Daily Mail, ABC News
