Dog escapes from crate at Changi, LA-bound jet recalled to gate, owner misses flight, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Dog escapes from crate at Changi, LA-bound jet recalled to gate, owner misses flight

This article is more than 12 months old

The owner of a dog that was to take a flight with her said it got away from its crate at Changi Airport and could not be found.

Oreo, a black Singapore Special dog, was reported to be missing from Friday (April 1).

It was being transported to a Singapore Airlines plane for a flight to Los Angeles.

The owner, Ms Peixuan Sng, who was travelling with one more dog, called Toffee, put up a post about the incident on Facebook.

It seems she was initially told that both her dogs were on the aircraft.

But after the plane started moving to the runway, it returned to the gate.

Two officers then approached her and told her that Oreo was not on board, Mothership reported.

“I had to choose to either fly or get off the plane with Toffee to search for her," the website quoted Ms Sng as saying.

She chose to leave the flight.

“SATS and Changi Airport ground staff are searching for her... They had used my iPad to try to search for her with her AirTag but to no avail,” Ms Sng said in her post on the Dogs Singapore Facebook page early on Saturday.

“If you’re living around the airport, please keep a lookout - she hides in corners/shelters when she’s afraid, loves people,” Ms Sng wrote.

If you have any information on Oreo's whereabouts, Ms Sng can be contacted through her Instagram account.
