Medisave withdrawal limit up for those with complex chronic conditions, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Medisave withdrawal limit up for those with complex chronic conditions

This article is more than 12 months old


From January next year, patients with complex chronic conditions such as diabetes, stroke and dementia can withdraw up to $700 from their Medisave account each year for their treatment, up from $500, said Senior Minister of State for Health Edwin Tong yesterday.

But the higher limit is only for patients with two or more conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) or one CDMP condition with complications.

The limit stays at $500 for all other Medisave account holders, including those with only one CDMP condition without complications.

Another change is that the withdrawal limit will be set according to per-patient basis instead of per-account basis.

This means a patient is eligible to withdraw only up to the $500 or $700 limit, regardless of how many family members' accounts he had used for his treatment.


By year end, Singaporeans under the age of 18 will receive free vaccinations listed on the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS), Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Health Amrin Amin announced yesterday.

The NCIS includes eight types of vaccines, including those to guard against tuberculosis, hepatitis B and pneumococcal infections - which can lead to pneumonia, meningitis and blood infections.

Adult Singaporeans will also be eligible for means-tested subsidies for vaccinations under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule.

This includes seven types of vaccines, including those for influenza, the human papillomavirus and pneumococcal infections.


Low-income families with young children will soon receive more financial support in terms of subsidies, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said.

Families with pre-schoolers living in HDB rental flats or receiving ComCare assistance will automatically qualify for the maximum pre-school subsidies from August - meaning they could pay as little as $3 a month for full-day childcare, depending on the operator.

To provide kids from lower-income families with greater accessibility to extra development activities such as speech and drama programmes and excursions, the Preschool Opportunity Fund will be extended for three more years.

Eligible operators who want to carry out such projects can apply to this fund, with a cap of $1,300 each child for the project.


Families with disabled children who are attending special student care centres will get more fee subsidies, and more will qualify for help as the income criteria is expanded.

With the extra help, most families will, on average, pay between 30 per cent and 80 per cent less in fees.

For example, a family with a total monthly household income of $4,000 will pay $142 a month when the more generous subsidies kick in - about 75 per cent less than the $582 they had to pay previously.

Meanwhile, the eligible household income for means-tested subsidies will be raised from $4,000 to $9,200 a month.

Special student care centres provide after school care and supervision for children with disabilities aged between seven and 18.

The changes will take effect from July 1, said Minister of State for Social and Family Development Sam Tan yesterday.


The Ministry of Social and Family Development is exploring the possibility of setting up a dedicated national hotline for all victims of violence to get help, regardless of the abuse.

This is one example of the ministry's continuing efforts to be inclusive and make social services available to all, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, said the Ministry's Senior Parliamentary Secretary Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim yesterday.

He said the Government is very clear on its stance that violence against any person - LGBTQ or not - should not be condoned.

He noted that the Penal Code and the Protection from Harassment Act protect all victims of domestic violence, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status. - THE STRAITS TIMES