News presenters gush over SM Lee Hsien Loong's comment on wokeism , Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

News presenters gush over SM Lee Hsien Loong's comment on wokeism

Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong's comment on the woke ideology was received with a "Hallelujah" and some serious gushing over what he said and Singapore in general.

Aired on Sky News Australia's The Rita Panahi Show on May 14, the video was plucked from a segment put up by CNA about a fortnight ago.

Wokeism "does not make us a more resilient, cohesive society with a strong sense of solidarity", Mr Lee says in the video.

"We must be more robust."

"Hallelujah!" says show presenter Panahi.

"Can we elect him Prime Minister here, please?" she asks fellow presenter Gabriella Power.

"He's completely right," replies Ms Power.

A third presenter on the show, Ms Caroline Marcus, points out how Singapore has zero tolerance to crime and the Australian justice system "could learn a thing or two".

Ms Marcus, who was born in Singapore, stresses on how Singapore thrives by placing importance on education and family values and not let trivialities divide the society.

When Ms Power again mentions in jest how Mr Lee could be Australian premier, Ms Marcus reminds her how the Senior Minister may not be used to open criticism of the government, but all three presenters agree that many aspects of life in Singapore are better than in Australia.

Lee Hsien Loong