Nightclub says S. Korean DJ’s shows will not contain Buddhist elements after police warning, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Nightclub says S. Korean DJ’s shows will not contain Buddhist elements after police warning

The nightclub hosting a South Korean DJ who is known for dressing like a monk and bringing in elements of Buddhism in his shows has told the authorities that his performance here will not contain anything religious.

This comes after police spoke to the establishment, following calls by the Singapore Buddhist Federation that the shows should be cancelled.

The DJ, known as NewJeansNim, is due to perform at Club Rich Singapore in Middle Road on June 19 and 20.

The police said in a statement on May 21 that they had advised the nightclub to adhere to the conditions of their public entertainment licence.

According to these licence conditions, the establishment must ensure that any public entertainment provided is not likely to be offensive to any race, religion, ethnicity or nationality, or potentially cause disharmony among different groups, said the police.

They added that NewJeansNim’s shows “may be in violation of this condition”, given the nature of the planned performance.

“The police are committed to ensuring strict adherence to licencing conditions, and any breaches will be dealt with firmly in accordance with the law. Operators found to be in breach of the licencing conditions may have their licences revoked,” said the police.

The nightclub has told the police that it will keep to licencing conditions and ensure “the performance will not involve any elements associated with religion, be it in the attire, hand gestures, artefacts, songs and lyrics”, said the statement.

Mr Jackie He, owner of Club Rich, told The Straits Times that the performance will not be cancelled on either night, but the nightclub will ensure the DJ does not wear a monk’s robe, use a religious instrument, or play any music that is related to a Buddhist chant.

“Club Rich respects all religions, and we will be ensuring that the performance will be a non-religious performance,” he said.

The Singapore Buddhist Federation had earlier called on the authorities not to approve any performances by NewJeansNim.

In a Facebook post on May 19, the federation said DJ NewJeansNim is not a monk and should not put on a monk’s robe to perform, adding that it is against the Vinaya – a disciplinary code for monks.

所谓‘"日进‘’不是出家人。本不应该’穿僧服,有违佛制。希望有关当局能顾及佛教徒的感受,拒批演出准证。致谢。 "NewJeansNim" is not a monk who should not put on monk's robe to...

Posted by Singapore Buddhist Federation 新加坡佛教总会 on Saturday, May 18, 2024

Government leaders have said incorporating such religious elements into the performances would be considered offensive to Buddhists and are unacceptable.

“Police have told the nightclub owners that action will be taken, if the performance proceeds. They understood our position, and have agreed to cooperate,” said Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam in a Facebook post on May 22.

[Offensive performance] A DJ had planned to perform next month at a local nightclub in a monk’s robe. From what he has...

Posted by K Shanmugam Sc on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong said in a Facebook post on May 21 that there are “clear rules” for what can or cannot be staged at public entertainment performances.

“The rationale is very clear; we live in a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society, we respect each other, and we take steps to protect our social cohesion,” said Mr Tong.

“We take a very serious view of acts which denigrate religion. This is an offence, and cannot be tolerated.”


There has been public interest in a planned performance which is said to incorporate religious dressing and other...

Posted by Edwin Tong on Tuesday, May 21, 2024