Sports activities can resume in groups of 30 from Feb 25, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Sports activities can resume in groups of 30 from Feb 25

This article is more than 12 months old

All sports activities can resume in groups of up to 30 fully vaccinated persons from Feb 25 at ActiveSG facilities and approved private facilities, the multi-ministry taskforce handling the pandemic announced on Wednesday (Feb 16).

This includes players, coaches and umpires, while the prevailing safe management measures will apply before and after the activity as well as during breaks.

No additional testing is required beforehand as long as all participants are fully vaccinated, but participants are strongly encouraged to take a self test before arriving.

They should also stay home if they develop symptoms, and follow the protocols if they test positive.

While most individual sports have resumed, team sports have not been able to resume full-scale for most of the pandemic.

A current pilot allows up to 10 people in a group provided all participants are fully vaccinated and present a valid negative antigen rapid test result on-site.

A Ministry of Health press statement said: "The main driver of Covid-19 transmission has been prolonged close contact with infected persons, such as when eating together."

Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung added that there is no compelling international evidence showing sports participation causes more infections.

He said: "You're more likely to catch the virus dining with friends than playing sports with them. What's more important is to ensure players observe group size and masking rules before and after the game and during breaks because that's when they'll have prolonged contact.

"Two years have taken its toll on the physical and mental well-being for people, particularly so for the young who are in their growing years and should keep active through sports."

Sport Singapore will provide more details, added the MOH statement.