Stop using these five cosmetic creams: HSA , Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Stop using these five cosmetic creams: HSA

This article is more than 12 months old

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) issued an alert yesterday against five cosmetic creams because they all contained undeclared potent ingredients.

The five creams are Deeja Cosmetic Sun cream, Deeja Cosmetic Dream cream, Deeja Cosmetic Wrinkle cream, RDL Babyface Whitening Cream Night Cream 5 in 1 and RDL Face Off Fade-Out Cream Day Cream 5 in 1.

The creams were found to contain ingredients like hydroquinone, a skin lightening agent, and mercury, a toxic metal.

The HSA warned that exposure to such amounts of mercury could cause damage to the kidneys, digestive and nervous systems, among other issues.

The Deeja Cosmetic Wrinkle cream contained mercury levels more than 40,000 times over the permissible limits. The three Deeja cosmetic creams are sold on local online platforms.

The RDL creams were imported by Arklife Distributors and sold in retail outlets.

HSA has directed Arklife Distributors to stop the sale of and to recall the affected products.

The HSA has also told the administrators of online platforms to remove the web listings of all the affected products.

It warned consumers who are using the products to stop immediately, and consult a doctor if they experience adverse effects.

Consumers should be wary of health products that promise quick and miraculous effects or carry exaggerated claims, as they may contain prohibited harmful ingredients, said HSA.

Anyone found guilty of selling or supplying such products can be jailed for up to three years, fined up to $100,000, or both.

Those who have information on the sale and supply of these illegal products can contact HSA's Enforcement Branch on 6866-3485 during office hours, or email