US: Manila airport not up to standards, Latest World News - The New Paper

US: Manila airport not up to standards

This article is more than 12 months old

MANILA: The US has warned its citizens that security at the Philippines' main airport does not meet international standards.

The US Department of Homeland Security issued a travel advisory on Wednesday saying security at Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport was not "consistent" with International Civil Aviation Organisation standards.

"Exercise increased caution when travelling to or from Ninoy Aquino International Airport," the US Embassy in Manila said on its website citing the advisory.

The advisory was based on an assessment by security experts from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the US Homeland Security Department said.

A statement on the US Homeland Security Department website said TSA representatives have been working with the Philippine government to help bring the Manila airport "up to international security standards".

Manila International Airport general manager Ed Monreal said yesterday the Philippines would adhere to international standards, and all the points raised "have either been addressed or are in the process of being addressed".

Mr Monreal said TSA auditors in September had observed the Manila airport had some gates with faulty locks and security checkpoints were inconsistent. He said the Philippines will get X-ray machines to comply with TSA recommendations. - AFP