Richie Koh celebrates birthday as A Good Child shoot ends, Latest Movies News - The New Paper

Richie Koh celebrates birthday as A Good Child shoot ends

It was a party to celebrate the birthday of local actor Richie Koh as well as mark the wrapping up of the shoot for local movie A Good Child.

Koh, who turned 31 on June 16, stars in the upcoming comedy film with veteran actress Hong Huifang. He plays a drag queen who returns home to his dementia-stricken mother, played by Hong, 63.

In the film, he strives to make her believe he is her daughter instead of son. Along the way, he confronts his childhood traumas.

A Good Child, helmed by Singaporean director Ong Kuo Sin, also features Taiwanese-American actor Johnny Lu, Singaporean actor-singer Charlie Goh and Mediacorp artiste Cheryl Chou. The film is slated to be released in 2025.

Koh clinched the Best Actor prize at the Star Awards in 2023 for his performance as an adult who is intellectually disabled in the drama series Your World In Mine (2022).

He posted on Instagram on June 17 photos of the wrap party and his birthday celebration with his co-stars and crew members.

“It’s been a hell of a ride. Hell of a birthday celebration,” he wrote. “It’s been great. Been a pleasure to work with a bunch of creative people who never settle for mediocre.”

In addition to two birthday cakes prepared by the crew, Koh’s team also presented him with a cake shaped like a bowl of his favourite bak chor mee. He and others at the party wore crowns.

The actor posted on Instagram Stories a video of the crew singing a wacky version of the Happy Birthday song.

Ong, whose past credits include Number 1 (2020) and Mr Unbelievable (2015), wrote on social media about completing filming.

“This is probably the most demanding shoot I have been on, and I’m so grateful for the support and trust of the whole team behind A Good Child,” he wrote.

“Nothing satisfies me more than seeing all of you shine in your respective roles and I hope this project was as rewarding for you all as it was for me.”

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