Korean street interview puts Pan Lingling’s son in spotlight, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Korean street interview puts Pan Lingling’s son in spotlight

The son of local celebrity couple Pan Lingling and Huang Shinan appeared in a South Korean street interview that has caught the attention of netizens.

Backham Wee, 24, was featured on the Instagram page Moji, which conducts street interviews in Seoul. Pan and Huang have another son, Kynaston, who is 22.

The interview was posted on Aug 17 and has received more than 2,000 “likes”. Recent videos on the page average “likes” in the hundreds.

According to his LinkedIn page, Wee is an undergraduate of the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He is attending summer school in Game Theory and Applications at Yonsei University.

In the interview, he said he enjoyed living in South Korea, especially in the trendy district of Hongdae.

Asked to compare life in Singapore and South Korea, Wee said: “Life in Korea is definitely more exciting and you get to meet a lot of different people here. Singapore is very diverse in itself, but Korea just has a lot going on, a lot of people, a lot of foreigners like visiting here, so you get to meet people from different walks of life.”

He added that he would love to live in South Korea but would not want to work there.


A post shared by Moji (@mojiverse)

The short clip has caught the attention of netizens. Some left comments asking for a link to his Instagram account, while many called him “hot” and “cute”. One joked: “Singaporean hot men can help repopulate our decreasing population in Korea.”

Some pointed out that despite being Singaporean, Wee does not speak with a Singlish accent. Wee’s proclamation that he loves living in Hongdae raised some eyebrows, with a few netizens saying it is a “red flag”.

The Hongdae district in Seoul is known for its nightlife and party scene, and the term “Hongdae boy” is sometimes used to refer to young men who enjoy clubbing and hitting on women frequently.

Pan and Huang married in 1997. While the couple generally keep a low profile about their family, Pan and Wee appeared together to speak about national service in a YouTube video uploaded by Singapore’s Ministry Of Defence in 2022.

social mediaCelebritiesSouth Korea