This thief's disguise is rubbish, Latest World News - The New Paper

This thief's disguise is rubbish

This article is more than 12 months old

This thief obviously didn't put much thought into his disguise.

Instead of wearing a mask, he used a rubbish bag as a disguise when he stole from fruit machines in a bar's casino room.

The theft, which took place in Terni in central Italy, was captured by a CCTV camera.

In the video, the thief, armed with a pool cue, can be seen smashing the machines.



What he thought was a clever disguise made him look like Rowan Atkinson's Johnny English (below).




According to Mirror, Italian media reported that he stole about £1,100 (S$2,300) and caused damages of about S$17,000.

After the video surfaced, police arrested a 45-year-old man from Sicily who was supposed to be under house arrest after a previous conviction.

It was apparently the culrpit's 11th time that he has been stopped by authorities in the last three months.

Source: Mirror
