Dog spotted hanging by short leash at Ikea carpark, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Dog spotted hanging by short leash at Ikea carpark

Behavioral measures have likened dogs' mental abilities to that of a human child aged two. 

Would you leave your toddler in the car while you go shop? How about leaving the toddler in the parked car with a window rolled down for ventilation?

However, the driver of a black van, which appears to belong to a pet-related business, thought it was alright to leave a dog leashed to the inside of a van and with the driver's window rolled down.

In the incident at Ikea Alexandra carpark in the afternoon of May 26, the black dog was spotted standing on its hind legs as the leash appeared to be tied to the inside of the vehicle.

The leash was too short to allow the dog, which was barking to attract attention, to stand on all fours.

When photos of the dog next to the van made their rounds on social media, many netizens claimed that the dog was intentionally left in that position by a "cruel owner". 

However, upon closer inspection by other netizens, it became clear that the window on the driver side of was rolled down and the other end of the leash was inside the black van.

The netizen who shared the photos from the incident also said Ikea had been alerted and the matter reported to the relevant authorities.

Just last October, Mothership reported about another dog that was spotted locked in a parked car at the same Ikea outlet.

Several shoppers had noticed the dog in the car and alerted the security officers who made an announcement. The dog was reported to have been locked in the car for more than 30 minutes and its owner assured onlookers that it was totally fine.