ICA foils men's plans to smuggle M'sian out of S'pore, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

ICA foils men's plans to smuggle M'sian out of S'pore

Two Malaysian nationals attempted to help a fellow countryman escape Singapore’s borders illegally through Tuas Checkpoint, by hiding him in the cargo compartment of a lorry.

This after the man had his passport seized after he was caught transporting e-cigarette devices and related-products into Singapore.

On Sept 6, Sharan Raj Loganathan, 26, and Ramesh Munusamy, 44, pleaded guilty to their attempts to help Mohamad Izuwan Che Mohd Abd Khoha exit Tuas Checkpoint illegally on July 19.

Both Sharan and Ramesh were sentenced to 10 months’ jail.

Court documents show Izuwan, 32, had been caught for transporting more than 11,900 e-cigarette pods and 8,657 e-cigarette devices into Singapore on July 17.

He had then tried to return to Malaysia by hiding in the cargo compartment of Ramesh’s lorry two days later on July 19.

On Aug 28, Izuwan was sentenced to seven months’ jail for his offences.

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said Sharan and Ramesh had known each other since 2022 as they had worked together as lorry drivers at N A Raku Transport Agency.

Investigations revealed that sometime in May, Sharan knew Ramesh was facing financial difficulties as the latter had been asking him for delivery jobs to earn extra income.

On July 18, Sharan was contacted by another acquaintance, referred to as Boy Anne, while he was in Malaysia. Boy Anne asked Sharan if he knew anyone willing to convey Izuwan out of Singapore illegally for RM2,300, or about S$690.

Sharan then asked Ramesh if he was keen to take up the job. ICA said both men knew Izuwan was not allowed to leave Singapore as he was under investigation for importing e-cigarettes into the Republic.

Izuwan’s passport had also been seized by the Health Sciences Authority.

Ramesh agreed to the job as he needed the money. He also agreed to pay Sharan RM300 for the referral.

Sharan was also given a commission fee by Boy Anne for coordinating the plan.

Ramesh later picked up Izuwan along a bus stop at Tuas around 9am on July 19. He returned to Tuas Checkpoint around 12pm with Izuwan hidden in the cargo compartment.

Both Ramesh and Izuwan were arrested when ICA officers conducted inspections on the lorry.

Sharan was arrested on July 30, after authorities established his role in the plan.

Those found guilty of helping others to leave Singapore’s borders illegally can be jailed for at least six months and fined up to $6,000.