Penang man KO after squaring off with black-belt shopkeeper, Latest World News - The New Paper

Penang man KO after squaring off with black-belt shopkeeper

He allegedly picked a fight with the wrong uncle.

A man, apparently already too drunk for his own good, got the wind knocked out of him when he decided to take on a retail shop owner in Penang, Malaysia, unaware that the seemingly out-of-shape uncle he was squaring off with has a black belt in taekwondo.

A video of the fight has been viewed on Facebook more than eight million times. The incident happened in Seberang Jaya at close to midnight on June 2.

In the clip, a man in a white tank top and jeans could be seen allegedly challenging the shopkeeper, Mr Wu Ye Rong, 49, to a fistfight to settle a dispute over something.

He removed his motorcycle helmet and shoulder bag, walked towards Mr Wu and allegedly threw an awkward punch at the shopkeeper.

Mr Wu parried the blow, pulled the man down to the floor, pinned him with his weight, and started allegedly landing a series of short hooks and jabs at his face.

The man crawled while he was dazed and confused, but still managed to stand up.

Mr Wu then told him to leave his store.

“Be a gentleman. Whoever loses goes out,” he was heard saying in the video.

But then the man, instead of leaving, allegedly lunged at Mr Wu, who again dropped him to the floor, and allegedly proceeded to punch and kick him once more.

After that round, Mr Wu crossed his store’s threshold to tell the man to leave. The man again tried to get on his feet. But once up, he grabbed his helmet and – round three – allegedly sucker punched Mr Wu with it.

Having had enough, Mr Wu allegedly unleashed his entire taekwondo repertoire on the man.

By the time the man’s burlier companion stepped in, the man was already knocked unconscious, his limbs splayed on the floor.

Mr Wu, it turns out, was a taekwondo state champion in 1996, according to China Press.

Seberang Perai Tengah police chief Helmi Aris said Mr Wu apparently had an argument with the man over a liquor purchase.

He said Mr Wu and the man were brought in for questioning.