Eason Chan cancels shows, apologises to fans, Latest Music News - The New Paper

Eason Chan cancels shows, apologises to fans

Hong Kong singer Eason Chan apologised to his fans in person after he had to cancel a recent concert in China at the last minute.

Chan, 49, was originally scheduled to hold six shows in Hangzhou, China, as part of his Fear And Dreams World Tour. He had staged four concerts in the Chinese city and celebrated the 100th show of the concert tour on May 24. He was slated to hold two more shows on May 25 and 26.

The concert on May 25 was due to begin at 7pm, with most of the spectators already seated at the venue.

However, Chan took the stage in casual wear with a representative of the organiser. In a hoarse voice, the singer told the fans that he had to cancel the concert that day as he had been advised by doctors to rest his vocal cords.

He bowed and apologised to fans, and said his condition had worsened one hour before the show and that he had no choice but to cancel it.

In videos of Chan’s apology filmed by fans at the venue and shared on Chinese social media platform Weibo, fans were supportive of his decision, urging him to take a rest.

Chan, known for hits such as King Of Karaoke (2000) and Ten Years (2003), also took to Weibo later in the day to apologise to his fans again, and explained what happened before the concert.

“I was rehearsing as usual with the band and dancers at 4pm when I discovered that I had some physical problems after the rehearsal,” he wrote. “It became more serious and I realised by 6pm that I could not perform today due to my health issues.”

He told the fans that he would reschedule the concerts on May 25 and 26 to May 27 and 28.

However, Chan took to Weibo again in the afternoon on May 26, disclosing that his vocal cords had not improved despite urgent treatment by doctors.

He apologised to fans for disappointing them again and announced that the concerts originally rescheduled to May 27 and 28 would be postponed, with dates yet to be announced.

遠再天編:臺下的歌迷們好暖QQ 陳奕迅演唱會突宣布取消!淚崩鞠躬道歉:沒辦法演出 影片來源:微博

Posted by 東森新聞 on Saturday, May 25, 2024
hong kongCelebritiesMusicCONCERTSChinasocial media