Romeo Tan and Elvin Ng celebrate Chen Mei-fen’s birthday, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Romeo Tan and Elvin Ng celebrate Chen Mei-fen’s birthday

Local actors Elvin Ng and Romeo Tan hung out with veteran Taiwanese celebrities, singer-actress Chen Mei-fen and host Pauline Lan, to celebrate Chen’s birthday when the two were in town recently.

In the early hours of July 2, Chen, who turned 68 on July 1, posted on Facebook photos of her multiple birthday celebrations, including one with Ng, Tan and Lan. She was in Genting, Malaysia, on June 25 for a solo concert.

The Taiwanese soap opera star, who is known for series such as Love (2006 to 2008) and Night Market Life (2009 to 2011), stopped by Singapore for a birthday vacation before returning to Taiwan.

Lan, 58, who hosts the long-running beauty and fashion variety show Queen (2003 to present), is one of Chen’s closest friends. She flew to Singapore to join Chen for the vacation.

In the post, Chen showed her appreciation to Tan, 39, and Ng, 43, for celebrating with her.

She wrote: “Thank you to Singapore’s Romeo and Elvin. Thank you to everyone for accepting me and complementing me. It’s why I am able to be where I am today.”

In the same post, she uploaded photos of Taiwanese actor Jerry Yan surprising her with a birthday cake in what looks to be an apartment.

Taiwanese media recently reported that the 47-year-old had injured himself while filming a basketball-themed sports variety series in China in June.

He can be seen with a bandage around his left elbow in the photos. Chen thanked the Meteor Garden (2001) star for showing up and called him her “little sun” in a comment.

回到台北了 還是滿滿的感動和驚喜🥰 謝謝我的神秘客一直那麼貼心 沒有血緣卻是一輩子的家人 多難得的福份多深的緣份 你們每個人我都記在心底 謝謝新加坡的羅密歐跟俊雄 感謝大家的包容和互補 才能一路到現在 謝謝每個愛我的人😘 感謝在我需要你~妳的時候你~妳從沒消失❤️

Posted by 陳美鳳 MeiFen on Monday, July 1, 2024

Chen’s time in Singapore was filled with friends and fun. Aside from Tan and Ng, she also hung out with Singaporean “Ah Ge” Li Nanxing, 59.

She had made a cameo appearance in the Channel 8 drama The Dream Makers II (2015 to 2016), which starred Tan and Li.

Taiwanese veteran Chen Mei-fen (right) enjoying desserts with local actor Li Nanxing at his dessert cafe Tian Wang during her recent trip to Singapore. PHOTO: CHEN MEI-FEN/FACEBOOK

In a separate post on June 27, she shared photos of herself with Li at Tian Wang, the dessert cafe he co-owns in Keong Saik Road, and sang the praises of its durian mousse and mango pomelo sago.

She also thanked Li for organising a birthday meal at Chui Huay Lim Club for her and her friends, including Lan, in another post made on June 30. The meal included a cake and longevity buns.

A video she uploaded also showed Lan, Li and Taiwan-born local star Vivian Lai, 47, singing happy birthday to her.

Chen wrote: “It’s been so long since I’ve spent my birthday overseas. I think birthdays are for getting together with everyone. The most important thing is that the people who love me and the people I love are all safe and healthy.”

謝謝南星一哥 和她的經紀人Teri及海慶哥安排的聚餐 也太~太~太貼心💗 粉紅玫瑰花束好美 蛋糕+壽桃太有心! 很久沒在國外過生日 鳳鳳覺得生日就是和大家相聚 重要的是身邊~ 愛我的人和我愛的人都平平安安健健康康!

Posted by 陳美鳳 MeiFen on Sunday, June 30, 2024