Television star Makiyo announces divorce one year after marriage, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Television star Makiyo announces divorce one year after marriage

TAIPEI – Taiwanese-Japanese television star Makiyo Kawashima and her husband, who is known only as Mr Chin, have divorced a little more than one year after marriage.

The 39-year-old singer-host, who is known mononymously as Makiyo, announced her divorce on social media on Saturday afternoon.

“Due to factors such as failing to get along and personality differences, Makiyo and Mr Chin have completed their divorce on July 14, with both sides reaching an agreement on the child’s custody rights and related obligations,” she wrote on Facebook.

“We will give our blessings to each other in the future, and Makiyo will work hard to support our son.”

Makiyo surprised fans on May 19, 2022, when she announced that she would register her marriage to Mr Chin, who is three years younger than her and a shareholder in medical aesthetic clinics, the following day.

She also said then that she was more than four months pregnant.

Makiyo told Taiwanese news portal SET News that she and Mr Chin had known each other for more than a year. They began dating in December 2021 and she discovered she was pregnant three months later.

The artiste was in the news in July 2022 after she was spotted by Taiwan’s Apple Daily smoking in public even though she was pregnant. She gave birth to a son on Oct 29.

However, rumours of marriage woes began to surface soon after.

Makiyo went on Facebook Live on Nov 4, accusing Mr Chin of being inconsiderate in his behaviour, lacking initiative and unable to communicate with her.

She listed his alleged “six major crimes”, including telling her to drink 3½ litres of water a day after her caesarean section and changing the child’s diapers under an air-conditioner.

She added that they were locked in a cold war, as she said being with her husband was like living in hell.

Makyo gained prominence after appearing in a mobile phone advertisement in 2000 and released her first album that same year. One of its songs, Yang Wo Yi Bei Zi (Take Care Of Me For Life), became the theme song of the hit school drama series Spicy Teacher (2000 to 2004).

Her fame grew as she released several more albums and took on hosting variety shows and acting in dramas.

Her career was severely affected in 2012 after she and a male Japanese friend were given suspended jail sentences and supervised probation for assaulting a taxi driver.

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