Dislike: Mr Khaw Boon Wan's Facebook post draws flak for use of Indian foreign workers in mock riot exercise, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Dislike: Mr Khaw Boon Wan's Facebook post draws flak for use of Indian foreign workers in mock riot exercise

This article is more than 12 months old

Several members of the online community are seeing red over a Facebook post that Minister Khaw Boon Wan uploaded on Tuesday.

It showed South Asian foreign workers in a mock riot simulation exercise.

The album was titled 'Joint exercise with Police, SCDF & foreign worker ambassadors'.




The presence of just South Asian foreign workers led to critics calling the exercise "distasteful".

Facebook user Feng Yi commented on Mr Khaw's post:

"Sir, I understand the purpose of such an exercise but I cannot help but feel disturbed by the racial undertones. Riots can be started by anyone regardless of their ethnicity.

Positing Indian foreign workers as the next group of rioters or troublemakers does not paint racial minority groups in a positive light but only perpetuates existing stereotypes which are inimical to the development of a harmonious society.

My suggestion is that "rioters" in future such exercises (if any) must also consist of people of other ethnic groups. I hope the organisers can take this into consideration. Thank you."









Sources: Facebook, Twitter
