CPF Board warns of e-mail scam requesting employee wage information, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

CPF Board warns of e-mail scam requesting employee wage information

The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board has made a police report after it was alerted to a scam variant requesting employee wage information under the guise of an official CPF Board e-mail.

A CPF Board spokesperson said on Wednesday evening that it was alerted to the scam earlier that day, and that it had received reports of 12 cases so far.

The scam e-mail, which mimics CPF Board’s authorised e-mail address in the sender description, is sent to employers with the subject: “Reminder: Requirement to declare wage information”.

It contains an attachment asking employers for employee wage information.

In an announcement posted on Facebook, the board said: “The e-mail was not sent by CPF Board. Please do not open the attachment and delete the e-mail immediately.”

It added that its system had not been compromised, and advised the public to review and update their e-mail security settings to block malicious or spoofed e-mails, or seek assistance from their email service provider.

Those with any queries can call CPF Board at 1800-227-1188 or write to cpf.gov.sg/writetous.