HDB puts up mixed-use site in Tampines Street 94 for sale, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

HDB puts up mixed-use site in Tampines Street 94 for sale

The Housing Board on June 27 launched a mixed commercial and residential site in Tampines Street 94 for sale via tender.

The 99-year plot, which is on the confirmed list under the first half of 2024 Government Land Sales programme, can potentially yield about 585 residential units. It is near Tampines West MRT station on the Downtown Line.

It has a site area of 23,512 sq m and a maximum gross floor area of 61,837 sq m.

The tender for the site will close at noon on Sept 19.

Confirmed list sites are launched according to schedule, regardless of demand. Sites on the reserve list, on the other hand, are put up for tender only when a developer makes an offer acceptable to the Government. THE BUSINESS TIMES