JB celebrations for Causeway's 100th expected to cause jam, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

JB celebrations for Causeway's 100th expected to cause jam

JOHOR BAHRU – Those travelling between Malaysia and Singapore using the Causeway can expect traffic congestion on June 28 morning due to the crossing’s centenary celebrations.

Johor Mentri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi said in conjunction with the Causeway celebrating its 100th anniversary, traffic congestion is expected to occur on the day itself.

“The celebration programme will be held for at least an hour, from 8.30am to 9.30am. Causeway users travelling on the day are advised to travel early and plan their journey well,” he said in a Facebook post on June 27.

Meanwhile, State Youth, Sports, Entrepreneur Development, and Cooperatives Committee chairman Mohd Hairi Mad Shah said the anniversary was a significant celebration for Johor and Singapore relations.

The chief secretariat and committee of the Causeway 100th anniversary said it would be a century since the inauguration of the Causeway that connects the state with Singapore.

“Construction of this iconic structure began in 1919 and it was inaugurated on June 28, 1924, during the reign of Johor’s second modern ruler, Almarhum Sultan Sir Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Abu Bakar.

“This means that the Causeway was built before our country gained independence. Let us all commemorate, appreciate, and understand the continuity of this historic structure,” he added.

Mr Mohd Hairi said those who do not have the chance to witness the 100th anniversary celebrations are encouraged to visit the Johor Tokoh Museum, where there will be an exhibition displaying the detailed history from the beginning of construction to the operation of this iconic crossing. – THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK