Polys verified certs submitted by Brochez against originals, strengthened checks for hiring in 2016 | The New Paper

Polys verified certs submitted by Brochez against originals, strengthened checks for hiring in 2016

This article is more than 12 months old

Over eight years, Mikhy Farrera Brochez was employed as a lecturer in Singapore, including two years at Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and one at Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP).

He stopped working at the polytechnics in 2012 and the police alerted the two institutions in 2016 that the educational certificates Brochez had submitted were forged.

Both polytechnics said yesterday that as part of their recruitment practices, they had verified the educational certificates submitted against the original certificates.

Both institutions strengthened their hiring processes after Brochez left.

Besides enhancing background checks with former employers in 2014, TP added: "Our HR department also contacts the employers to obtain details about the candidate's employment with them.

"Moving forward, for foreign qualifications, we also check with the issuing institutions to verify the authenticity of the qualifications."

After being alerted to the fraud in 2016, NP introduced the additional step of verifying submitted educational certificates with the admissions office of the respective universities, both local and overseas, for applicants whom they plan to hire.

When asked if students taught by Brochez would have suffered academically, TP said that all its diploma courses are subject to a rigorous academic validation framework, and is reviewed and validated by a dedicated team.

Its spokesman added: "Additionally, we have external examiners who review our curricula, while industry professionals are involved in evaluating major projects and internships.

"The curricula delivered to the students taught by Brochez went through this process as well."

NP said it has similar processes.