Chinese idol Wang Junkai snaps at paparazzi , Latest Music News - The New Paper

Chinese idol Wang Junkai snaps at paparazzi

Chinese star Wang Junkai has hordes of fans.

The 24-year-old became famous early in life.

When he turned 15, he dedicated a song “for all the people who have always supported me” to thank his fans for their well-wishes. And that thank-you message was re-shared more than 42 million times.

So it is no surprise that the international airport in China was packed with fans and paparazzi alike in the wee hours of Jan 17, all trying to catch a glimpse of Wang leaving for Paris Fashion Week.

But the combined jostling by both his fans and the paparazzi got out of hand, with public property toppling and people falling while screams of "stop pushing" were heard over the frenzy.

It was all too much for Wang that early in the morning. He turned around after clearing the customs and yelled at the paparazzi: "Don't you have any morals?"

This is not the first and only instance of the paparazzi crossing the line.

Last February, Chinese star Xiao Zhan was similarly mobbed by fans and paparazzi at the airport as he was leaving for Milan.

The 32-year-old struggled to reach the check-in counter and had to ask everyone to "please take a slight step back and maintain some order".
