Actress Sheila Sim reflects on her journey as a C-section mum , Latest TV News - The New Paper

Actress Sheila Sim reflects on her journey as a C-section mum

Local actress Sheila Sim said the love and care which a mother gives her child are what matters, regardless of how a child is born.

Sim, 38, and her husband Deon Woo, 42, a credit specialist in banking, have two daughters – Layla, who is 2½ years old, and Skyla, who was born on Feb 7. Her daughters were born via Caesarean section, also known as C-section.

April is Caesarean Awareness Month and Sim wrote on social media on Friday: “Before I could conceive Layla three years ago, I had to undergo surgery to remove fibroids. At the time, my surgeon told me that I would never be able to deliver naturally.”

She said she did not quite understand the weight of those words until she was pregnant, and the reality of never experiencing contraction pain or giving birth the natural way hit her hard.

“I felt like a failure, like I was letting my daughter down before she was born,” she wrote.

Sim said what made it worse was that as a public figure, her choices were constantly scrutinised and criticised by people.

“Throughout my pregnancy, I cried countless times, worrying about Layla’s future health and how my inability to deliver naturally could impact her,” she said. “It felt like all the negative thoughts and worries were consuming me.”

However, Sim, who has starred in drama series such as How Are You? (2019 to 2020) and Live Your Dreams (2021), is now proud of herself as a mother.

“I’ve learnt that the way a child is brought into the world doesn’t dictate what kind of mother someone is,” she said. “What matters is the love and care that a mother gives her child, no matter how the child was born.”

Looking back, Sim said she realised that the journey to motherhood is a sacrifice in itself. 

“To all the mothers out there who are facing a C-section, I want to tell you that you’re not alone. It’s okay to feel scared and overwhelmed, but don’t let those negative thoughts consume you,” she wrote. “Remember that you’re making the best decision for yourself and your child.”

Sim also wanted to salute the mothers who have already undergone a C-section.

“Our ‘battle wound’ is a reminder of the sacrifices we make as mothers,” she said. “We are warriors, strong and resilient, and our love for our children knows no bounds.”

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