K-pop star Hyuna reveals amid comments about her skinniness, Latest Music News - The New Paper

K-pop star Hyuna reveals amid comments about her skinniness

South Korean singer Hyuna has taken to Instagram to show her 17.5 million followers how much she weighs.

In a post on June 24, the 32-year-old K-pop star posted a photo of herself standing on a weighing scale with a reading of 46.6kg.

Many in the comment section were confused as to why there was no caption. It could be that Hyuna is showing fans that she has gained weight, as some have said in the past that she is too skinny.

Hyuna, whose real name is Kim Hyun-ah, has been candid in previous interviews about her struggles with extreme dieting and unhealthy weight loss.

She and her manager appeared in a May episode of the South Korean variety series The Manager (2018 to present), where celebrity managers talk about the lives of the stars that they manage.

The 1.64m-tall singer revealed how she used to starve herself to maintain a skinny physique. She would eat only a single piece from a roll of gimbap (Korean rice roll) a day when she was promoting new releases. This led to low blood pressure and she frequently fainted during filming or performances, up to 12 times in a month.

She cited entering the entertainment industry at a young age – she made her debut at 14 – and having people pay attention to her body as one of the reasons she became fixated with her weight and appearance.

“Lots of people were worried for me. I realised this was wrong, so I changed my lifestyle habits,” she said.

She added that she is now less obsessed with being thin and allows herself to eat and enjoy food normally.

In a January episode of an online talk show hosted by singer Kim Jae-joong, Hyuna said that she used to weigh just 41kg when promoting her music.

Many fans reacted to her post by cheering her on for gaining weight. They encouraged her to continue in her journey of being more healthy and happy with her body.

Hyuna debuted as a member of girl group Wonder Girls in 2007 before she left later that year. She then joined girl group 4Minute, which debuted in 2009 and disbanded in 2016.

She has had a successful career as a solo artiste with hit songs such as Bubble Pop! (2011) and I’m Not Cool (2021).

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