Local actor Ben Yeo renovates condo to 'kick sons out of bedroom', Latest TV News - The New Paper

Local actor Ben Yeo renovates condo to 'kick sons out of bedroom'

Actor and entrepreneur Ben Yeo recently renovated his two-bedroom condo – not only because it needed an upgrade, but also because he wanted to kick his sons out of his room. 

Speaking to 8days, Yeo said his boys, Javier, 13, and Jarius, 10, have been sleeping with him and his wife Claudia Cheong, both 44, in their bedroom since they were babies. 

“They were very happy to sleep in the same room as us, but I kicked them out,” Yeo said. 

He added: “How old already?! They are boys, so they should be more independent. How are they going to manage when they do National Service?”

Yeo, who runs online food businesses SG Chee Cheong Fun and SG Mao Shan Wang, also owns five eateries, including modern-Chinese restaurant Tan Xiang Yuan, which he opened in November last year. 

Though he admitted that his older son is afraid of ghosts and that both boys still prefer to sleep with him and his wife, Yeo said they have been managing well on their own since the renovation. 

“So far so good. They have not complained at all.”

When asked about whether the boys had a preference about what their room should look like, he said: “They only care about gaming.”


He said he converted the boys' playroom to their bedroom. 

Yeo said that his 950 sq ft home - which is 14-years-old - was renovated and redesigned using inspiration from a fully wooden house he saw in Japan while he was there hosting an interior design programme.


But because his wife had different preferences, the home is now a mix of Japanese-inspired wooden flooring, and contemporary styles that include neutral heus and and natural elements like stone and linen. 

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