Mark Lee advises Nono to face up to sexual assault allegations if they are true, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Mark Lee advises Nono to face up to sexual assault allegations if they are true

Singaporean actor-DJ Mark Lee has advised his good friend, Taiwanese comedian Nono, who is embroiled in a sexual assault scandal, that he “really has to handle this properly”.

Speaking on his morning radio show, The Breakfast Quartet On Love972 on Thursday, Lee said: “If it’s not true, then let time speak (for itself). If it’s true, then he has to deal with it, as that is something that he should face up to.”

Lee, 54, and Nono, 52, have been friends for years and have worked together on shows and movies, including Jack Neo’s Being Human in 2010.

Lee contacted Nono after news broke on Wednesday that Nono had allegedly sexually assaulted at least 20 women over the past decade.

Nono, whose real name is Chen Hsuan-yu, announced on Facebook on Wednesday afternoon that he will stop work immediately. He is among the group of male Taiwanese celebrities caught up in the current #MeToo scandal on the island.

His announcement came after Taiwanese influencer Anissa, who goes by the name Teacher Xiaohong, held a press conference on Wednesday morning.

Anissa, who claims to be one of his victims, revealed that she received messages from at least 20 women accusing Nono of sexually harassing them.

Two of them claimed they were sexually assaulted by him in a public toilet and his car respectively, while a third woman alleged she was almost sexually assaulted by him when she was around 15.

On Thursday afternoon, Anissa posted on Facebook to say another alleged victim had reached out to her with screenshots to prove that Nono had flirted with her and attempted to ask her out on Nov 14, 2011.

「這世上沒有不被發現的罪行,只是時間早晚的問題。」 從我6/20凌晨ㄧ點發文,到現在幾乎都沒有睡,網路速度太快太快了。 我知道酸民非常多,很多人都會檢討被害者,我沒回應你們不是我害怕,是我真的很忙。有很多很勇敢跟我有過ㄧ樣遭遇的女生,甚...

Posted by 小紅老師 Anissa on Wednesday, June 21, 2023

This was not long after Nono had already proposed to his now wife, singer Angel Chu, 37, on Nov 3, 2011. The couple have a nine-year-old daughter.

Lee also touched on their marriage on the radio show, saying: “I hope his wife can be his greatest source of strength.”

Meanwhile, outraged netizens had bombarded Nono’s Instagram account, demanding he hold a press conference to apologise. On Thursday, he deleted his account.

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