Kopitime: McDonald's orders missing standard condiments, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Kopitime: McDonald's orders missing standard condiments

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I understand that McDonald's Singapore started charging for additional condiment from Jan 2.

However, I was not given the basic condiments the two times I ordered from McDonald's meals from the WoodGrove outlet.

I have submitted my feedback to McDonald's Singapore but nothing has improved.

On Jan 31, I ordered nine pieces of Chicken McNuggets but I did not receive even one tub of Curry Sauce, which I had picked for my accompanying condiment.

Prior to the implementation of this new policy, I would sometimes received extra condiments, which I would save for future meals.

But since the implementation, I have not received even the standard condiments.

I am aware of the policy regarding additional condiment but I am not getting even standard ones I should rightfully receive.


kopitimeMcDonald'sFOOD AND DRINK